Swift @ WWDC 2024



Another year, another WWDC. Here are my notes on improvements to the Swift language from watching the various keynotes and sessions.

Swift 6

Swift 6 being included in Xcode 16 is probably the biggest Swift-related news from WWDC. I’m not going to go into detail on all of the cool new things that come with it, Paul Hudson wrote up a great article here, the main story though is that full concurrency checking is now turned on by default which should help to eliminate low level data races and make it easier to write safe concurrently executing code.

Swift Testing

This is a new package for writing unit tests that I actually followed a bit through the pitches on the Swift Forums but there’s two really great sessions covering how to work with it: Meet Swift Testing, and Go further with Swift Testing. It’s a much more modern take on unit testing with some super cool features a greatly simplified interface for writing assertions that also have power assert-style messages on failures. So long XCTAsserts, hello #expect() and #require()!

On top of the new assertion interfaces, swift-testing introduces:

I particularly like #require() as it combines the interface for asserting on a value and unwrapping some optional value. With XCTest you would write something like this:

let someOptional = Optional.some("some")

let unwrapped = try XCTUnwrap(someOptional)
XCTAssertEqual(someOptional, "some")

// Or if you just want to assert that the value isn't nil:

With swift-testing, you can just write:

let someOptional = Optional<String>.some("some")

let unwrapped = #require(someOptional)
// Or if you just want to assert that the value isn't nil:

This is a really small change but I always found the XCTAssert[XYZ] interfaces kind of cumbersome so I’m excited by the streamlined approach.

Another amazing piece of streamlining is the new assertions on throwing functions. With XCTest, if you wanted to assert that a function threw a specific error, you would write something like this:

func testThrowingFunction() throws {
    do {
        let result = try throwingFunction()
        XCTFail("Should have thrown")
    } catch error is SomeError {
        // Test passed

Now, you can write this:

func testThrowingFunction() {
    #expect(throws: SomeError.self) {
        try throwingFunction()

SO MUCH BETTER! You can also use (any Error) if you don’t care what kind of error is thrown or you can get even more specific and use a specific case of your Error conforming type. swift-testing will handle asserting on the error and you can just call your throwing function. Want to assert on some property of your error? You can do that too. I really recommend checking out the sessions I linked above for more details on this awesome addition to Swift 6.

Noncopyable Types

This is a language feature introduced in Swift 5.9 that I don’t think I’ve ever personally come across a use case for but is nonetheless very interesting and watching Consume noncopyable types in Swift taught me some new things about what happens when you create copies of reference and value types.


Copy-on-write is a very common compiler optimization that I had heard of before but didn’t know anything about, much less that Swift was using it. I knew that copying a reference type simply copies the reference to that object’s location in memory but I didn’t know that the same thing is true for value types! This optimization prevents deep copies of value types until the copied value is written to. This example, copied from StackOverflow, helped me visualize this concept (keep in mind that arrays are value types in Swift).

let array1 = [1, 2, 3]
var array2 = array1

// Will print the same address twice.
array1.withUnsafeBytes { print($0.baseAddress!) }
array2.withUnsafeBytes { print($0.baseAddress!) }

// _Any_ write will cause the value to be copied, regardless of whether the value actually changes
array2[0] = 1

// Will print a different address.
array2.withUnsafeBytes { print($0.baseAddress!) }


Swift 5.9 introduced a new protocol called Copyable and as of Swift 6, everything conforms to it by default. This even includes protocols and their associated types as well as generic argument types. Types in Swift can already by copied by default so this is really just making that behavior explicit. The reason for introducing the Copyable protocol is that it gives you a way to mark types as non-copyable


A non-copyable type is one that, well, can’t be copied. This means that when you perform an operation, like initializing array2 to the value of array1 above, instead of copying the value, array2 now becomes the owner of the value of array1’s contents and you can no longer reference array1’s value. I found this a bit hard to reason about through words so here’s a code example from the session on non-copyable types:

sstruct FloppyDisk: ~Copyable {}

func copyFloppy() -> FloppyDisk {
    let system = FloppyDisk()
    let backup = consume system // `consume` here is implicit, you don't actually have to write it
    load(system) // Compiler errors here with "'system' used after consume"
    return backup

func load(_ disk: borrowing FloppyDisk) {}

What I found particularly interesting here is that system isn’t inferred to be an optional since it holds a non-copyable type. It’s an honest FloppyDisk type. Instead, if you consume its value, the ownership of system’s value is passed to backup and compiler just throws an error if you try to reference system again.

The borrowing keyword in load’s signature tells the compiler that it just needs to reference the values on disk and it won’t make a copy of it. In fact, because disk is marked borrowing and not consuming, the compiler will throw an error if you even try to copy it. The compiler also requires you to mark parameters of non-copyable types as borrowing, consuming, or inout to make the ownership explicit.

func load(_ disk: borrowing FloppyDisk) {  // Compiler errors here with "'disk' is borrowed and cannot be consumed"
    var copy = disk

The session linked above goes over these examples and more so I would highly recommend watching it yourself.

Embedded Swift

This is another thing I’ve been loosely following via the forums and while I personally don’t do any embedded programming (yet), I think it’s super cool to see Swift’s awesome language features being brought to more places. I think the memory safety of the language will be particularly nice for applications where memory is at a premium. Watch Go small with Embedded Swift for more info.

Package Scoped Access Levels

Okay this feature was actually released in Swift 5.9 (here’s the pitch acceptance post) but I somehow missed it and only found out it existed while watching A Swift Tour: Explore Swift’s features and design. This feature is pretty much what it says on the tin: An access modifier that makes symbols accessible from anywhere in the package. If, like me, you had no idea this existed you can read a bit more about it here