Swift Lookbehinds via Reverse Matching Part 2

Swift Scratchpad


Part 1

Had a video call with Michael and was able to figure out what I need to do. I was actually pretty spot on with what reverse matching is supposed to be (I mean the name kind of says it all), but what I inferred from his suggestion is that my approach is inefficient. Instead of performing a reversing operation on the entire AST, his suggestion was to implement reverse variants of the following instructions: matchScalar, matchBitset, matchBuiltin, matchAnyNonNewline, and advance. I could then simply emit the reversed instructions instead of their forwards counterparts whenever we enter a lookbehind. So to summarize, my plan of attack for building a reverse match is:

  1. Introduce a flag on ByteCodeGen to indicate when the instructions should be reversed
  2. Flip said flag when we enter a lookbehind and flip it back when we leave
  3. Introduce some logic in the various emitX functions to:
    1. Step back
    2. Emit the reversed version of an instruction when the flag is true
  4. Profit?

The Implementation

I cleverly named my reverse instruction variants by simply putting reverse in front of the corresponding forwards instruction name with the exception of advance who’s reverse is simply named reverse. Doing that got the compiler to yell at me about non-exhaustive switch statements so I commented out all my new instructions except for reverse, reverseMatch, and reverseMatchScalar. Then I went through and made buildReverseX functions in MEProgram.Builder so that I could call those from ByteCodeGen which is where the real fun starts.


Steps 1 and 2 of my above plan were simple enough. Declare a new flag, set that flag. Done.

struct ByteCodeGen {
  var reverse = false

  mutating func emitLookaround(
    _ kind: (forwards: Bool, positive: Bool),
    _ child: DSLTree.Node
  ) throws {
    reverse = !kind.forwards
    switch kind {
        // Emit the various kinds of lookarounds depending on the kind...
    reverse = false

Step 3 is where I start getting confused again. I think that the lookahead and lookbehind instructions are actually going to be the exact same in terms of the save point machinary so I replaced the switch with a simple if-else block. Now the full emitLookaround function looks like this:

mutating func emitLookaround(
    _ kind: (forwards: Bool, positive: Bool),
    _ child: DSLTree.Node
  ) throws {
    reverse = !kind.forwards
    if kind.positive {
      try emitPositiveLookaround(child) // Renamed from `emitPositiveLookahead`
    } else {
      try emitNegativeLookaround(child) // Renamed from `emitNegativeLookahead`
    reverse = false

Since the actual reversing happens inside the functions called from emitNode (which is called by emitPositiveLookaround/emitNegativeLookaround) I think re-using these functions will be okay. My confidence that I’m not overlooking something here is low but for now it makes sense in my head that a lookbehind is just a reverse lookahead so we’ll give this a go and see what happens 🤷‍♂️.

On our meeting, Michael said something like “for reverse matching, we should step back and then match the rightmost element of the concatenation”. Because of this, I decided to start modifying the bytecode generation in the emitConcatenation function.

mutating func emitConcatenation(_ children: [DSLTree.Node]) throws {
    // Prep the children for processing...
    if reverse {
    for child in children {
      if reverse {
      try emitConcatenationComponent(child)

Reversing the children here makes sense to me because, as Michael said, we need to match the rightmost element of the concatenation first. In other words, match right-to-left. I don’t think that by itself would work though because we don’t want to match the current character, but the previous one. Hence the additional if inside the for loop.

Essentially from here I just went down the tree of emit functions called from emitConcatenationComponent and wherever I found a emitMatch, buildMatch, emitMatchScalar, or buildMatchScalar, I added a conditional to call the reversed counterparts of those functions, building the counterparts as I went.


With the bytecode generation done (although possibly incorrect), I need to write the implementation of the new instructions in the processor. This is where things are getting much more difficult.

Scalar Matching

Starting with reverseMatchScalar I’ve copied the tree of functions called to handle matchScalar and modified them to go backwards so they look like this:

extension Processor {
  mutating func reverseMatchScalar(
    _ s: Unicode.Scalar,
    boundaryCheck: Bool,
    isCaseInsensitive: Bool
  ) -> Bool {
    guard let next = input.reverseMatchScalar( // `input` is a `String`
      at: currentPosition,
      limitedBy: start,
      boundaryCheck: boundaryCheck,
      isCaseInsensitive: isCaseInsensitive
    ) else {
      return false
    currentPosition = next
    return true

extension String {
  func reverseMatchScalar(
    _ scalar: Unicode.Scalar,
    at pos: Index,
    limitedBy start: String.Index,
    boundaryCheck: Bool,
    isCaseInsensitive: Bool
  ) -> Index? {
    guard pos >= start else { return nil }
    let curScalar = unicodeScalars[pos]

    if isCaseInsensitive {
      guard curScalar.properties.lowercaseMapping == scalar.properties.lowercaseMapping
      else {
        return nil
    } else {
      guard curScalar == scalar else { return nil }

    guard pos != start else { return nil }
    let idx = unicodeScalars.index(before: pos)
    assert(idx >= start, "Input is a substring with a sub-scalar startIndex.")

    if boundaryCheck && !isOnGraphemeClusterBoundary(idx) {
      return nil

    return idx

The problem with my String.reverseMatchScalar implementation is that returning nil when we’ve hit the start of the string causes Processor.reverseMatchScalar to trigger the guard clause and fail the match. I need to somehow prevent execution of let idx = unicodeScalars.index(before: pos) when we reach the start of the string (since it has a precondition that “the previous index exists”) but ALSO return something other than nil so that Processor.reverseMatchScalar doesn’t fail.

Returning the current position in that case seems to work for my current test case of matching "abcdef" with (?<=abc)def.

Some time later

The Bugs

Unfortunately there are still issues with the approach I used above. Luckily, the authors of the regex engine added in some tracing machinary. This machinary is locked behind a compilation flag which I was having trouble setting for xcode runs so I just inverted the conditions 🤷‍♂️. I also had to modify the _compileRegex function I was using to enable tracing and metrics but then my next test run spat out TONS of output. The game plan now is to just test a bunch of different regular expressions of varying complexity and see what breaks!

Test case #1

Input: "bdefg"
Regex: /(?<=a|b|c)defg/

Problem: This test case was crashing when I ran the match with the message "Fatal error: String index is out of bounds".

Solution: Reading through the trace output below, I was able to see that I was never reverse-ing. Scattering some buildReverses seemed to fix this.

Test case #1 trace output
--- cycle 0 ---

input: bdefg
position: 0
>[0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] save #6
 [4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9

--- cycle 1 ---

input: bdefg
position: 0
 [0] beginCapture 0
>[1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] save #6
 [4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 2 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 0
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
>[2] save #12
 [3] save #6
 [4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10

--- cycle 3 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 0
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
>[3] save #6
 [4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10
 [9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 4 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #6, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 0
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] save #6
>[4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10
 [9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [10] clearThrough

--- cycle 5 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 0
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] save #6
 [4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
>[6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10
 [9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear

--- cycle 6 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #9, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] save #6
 [4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9
>[7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10
 [9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear
 [13] fail

--- cycle 7 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #9, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 0
 [2] save #12
 [3] save #6
 [4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
>[8] branch #10
 [9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear
 [13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 8 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #9, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 0
 [4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10
 [9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
>[10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear
 [13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'e' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 9 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 0
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10
 [9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [10] clearThrough
>[11] fail
 [12] clear
 [13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'e' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'g' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 10 ---

input: bdefg
position: 0
 [8] branch #10
 [9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear
 [13] fail
>[14] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'e' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'g' boundaryCheck: true
 [18] endCapture 0
 [19] accept

--- cycle 11 ---

input: bdefg
position: 0

--- cycle 12 ---

input: bdefg
position: 1
 [0] beginCapture 0
>[1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] save #6
 [4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 13 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 1
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
>[2] save #12
 [3] save #6
 [4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10

--- cycle 14 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 1
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
>[3] save #6
 [4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10
 [9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 15 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #6, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 1
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] save #6
>[4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10
 [9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [10] clearThrough

--- cycle 16 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 1
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] save #6
 [4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
>[6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10
 [9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear

--- cycle 17 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #9, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 1
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] save #6
 [4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9
>[7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10
 [9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear
 [13] fail

--- cycle 18 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 1
 [3] save #6
 [4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10
>[9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear
 [13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'e' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 19 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 1
 [6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10
 [9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
>[12] clear
 [13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'e' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'g' boundaryCheck: true
 [18] endCapture 0

--- cycle 20 ---

input: bdefg
position: 1
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10
 [9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear
>[13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'e' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'g' boundaryCheck: true
 [18] endCapture 0
 [19] accept

--- cycle 21 ---

input: bdefg
position: 1

--- cycle 22 ---

input: bdefg
position: 2
 [0] beginCapture 0
>[1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] save #6
 [4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 23 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 2
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
>[2] save #12
 [3] save #6
 [4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10

--- cycle 24 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 2
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
>[3] save #6
 [4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10
 [9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 25 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #6, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 2
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] save #6
>[4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10
 [9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [10] clearThrough

--- cycle 26 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 2
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] save #6
 [4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
>[6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10
 [9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear

--- cycle 27 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #9, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 2
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] save #6
 [4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9
>[7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10
 [9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear
 [13] fail

--- cycle 28 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 2
 [3] save #6
 [4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10
>[9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear
 [13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'e' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 29 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 2
 [6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10
 [9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
>[12] clear
 [13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'e' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'g' boundaryCheck: true
 [18] endCapture 0

--- cycle 30 ---

input: bdefg
position: 2
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10
 [9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear
>[13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'e' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'g' boundaryCheck: true
 [18] endCapture 0
 [19] accept

--- cycle 31 ---

input: bdefg
position: 2

--- cycle 32 ---

input: bdefg
position: 3
 [0] beginCapture 0
>[1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] save #6
 [4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 33 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 3
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
>[2] save #12
 [3] save #6
 [4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10

--- cycle 34 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 3
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
>[3] save #6
 [4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10
 [9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 35 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #6, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 3
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] save #6
>[4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10
 [9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [10] clearThrough

--- cycle 36 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 3
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] save #6
 [4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
>[6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10
 [9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear

--- cycle 37 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #9, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 3
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] save #6
 [4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9
>[7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10
 [9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear
 [13] fail

--- cycle 38 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 3
 [3] save #6
 [4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10
>[9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear
 [13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'e' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 39 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 3
 [6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10
 [9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
>[12] clear
 [13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'e' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'g' boundaryCheck: true
 [18] endCapture 0

--- cycle 40 ---

input: bdefg
position: 3
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10
 [9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear
>[13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'e' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'g' boundaryCheck: true
 [18] endCapture 0
 [19] accept

--- cycle 41 ---

input: bdefg
position: 3

--- cycle 42 ---

input: bdefg
position: 4
 [0] beginCapture 0
>[1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] save #6
 [4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 43 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 4
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
>[2] save #12
 [3] save #6
 [4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10

--- cycle 44 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 4
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
>[3] save #6
 [4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10
 [9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 45 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #6, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 4
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] save #6
>[4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10
 [9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [10] clearThrough

--- cycle 46 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 4
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] save #6
 [4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
>[6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10
 [9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear

--- cycle 47 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #9, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 4
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] save #6
 [4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9
>[7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10
 [9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear
 [13] fail

--- cycle 48 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 4
 [3] save #6
 [4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10
>[9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear
 [13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'e' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 49 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 4
 [6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10
 [9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
>[12] clear
 [13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'e' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'g' boundaryCheck: true
 [18] endCapture 0

--- cycle 50 ---

input: bdefg
position: 4
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10
 [9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear
>[13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'e' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'g' boundaryCheck: true
 [18] endCapture 0
 [19] accept

--- cycle 51 ---

input: bdefg
position: 4

--- cycle 52 ---

input: bdefg
position: 5
 [0] beginCapture 0
>[1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] save #6
 [4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 53 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 5, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 5
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
>[2] save #12
 [3] save #6
 [4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10

--- cycle 54 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 5, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 5, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 5
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
>[3] save #6
 [4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10
 [9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 55 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 5, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 5, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #6, pos: 5, stackEnd: #0

input: bdefg
position: 5
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] save #6
>[4] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [5] branch #10
 [6] save #9
 [7] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [8] branch #10
 [9] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [10] clearThrough

Swift/StringIndexValidation.swift:121: Fatal error: String index is out of bounds
Swift/StringIndexValidation.swift:121: Fatal error: String index is out of bounds

Test case #2

Inputs: "asdefg", "bdefg", "cdefg"
Regex: /(?<=as|b|c)defg/

Problem: This regex isn’t matching any of the inputs

Solution: I went a little crazy adding the reverse instructions and was emitting a reverse for every character in emitReverseQuotedLiteral instead of one for the whole literal.

Test case #2 trace output
--- cycle 0 ---

input: asdefg
position: 0
>[0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #20
 [2] save #18
 [3] save #10
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 1 ---

input: asdefg
position: 0
 [0] beginCapture 0
>[1] save #20
 [2] save #18
 [3] save #10
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)

--- cycle 2 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 0
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #20
>[2] save #18
 [3] save #10
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 3 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 0
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #20
 [2] save #18
>[3] save #10
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16

--- cycle 4 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #10, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 0
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #20
 [2] save #18
 [3] save #10
>[4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14

--- cycle 5 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 0
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
>[10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough

--- cycle 6 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #14, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 0
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
>[11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail

--- cycle 7 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 0
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
>[14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail
 [18] clear
 [19] fail
 [20] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 8 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 0
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail
>[18] clear
 [19] fail
 [20] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false
 [21] matchScalar 'e' boundaryCheck: false
 [22] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [23] matchScalar 'g' boundaryCheck: true
 [24] endCapture 0

--- cycle 9 ---

input: asdefg
position: 0
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail
 [18] clear
>[19] fail
 [20] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false
 [21] matchScalar 'e' boundaryCheck: false
 [22] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [23] matchScalar 'g' boundaryCheck: true
 [24] endCapture 0
 [25] accept

--- cycle 10 ---

input: asdefg
position: 0

--- cycle 11 ---

input: asdefg
position: 1
 [0] beginCapture 0
>[1] save #20
 [2] save #18
 [3] save #10
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)

--- cycle 12 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 1
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #20
>[2] save #18
 [3] save #10
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 13 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 1
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #20
 [2] save #18
>[3] save #10
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16

--- cycle 14 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #10, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 1
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #20
 [2] save #18
 [3] save #10
>[4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14

--- cycle 15 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #10, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 0
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #20
 [2] save #18
 [3] save #10
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
>[5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)

--- cycle 16 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 1
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
>[10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough

--- cycle 17 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #14, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 1
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
>[11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail

--- cycle 18 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #14, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 0
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
>[12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail
 [18] clear

--- cycle 19 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 1
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
>[14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail
 [18] clear
 [19] fail
 [20] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 20 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 0
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
>[15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail
 [18] clear
 [19] fail
 [20] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false
 [21] matchScalar 'e' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 21 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 1
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail
>[18] clear
 [19] fail
 [20] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false
 [21] matchScalar 'e' boundaryCheck: false
 [22] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [23] matchScalar 'g' boundaryCheck: true
 [24] endCapture 0

--- cycle 22 ---

input: asdefg
position: 1
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail
 [18] clear
>[19] fail
 [20] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false
 [21] matchScalar 'e' boundaryCheck: false
 [22] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [23] matchScalar 'g' boundaryCheck: true
 [24] endCapture 0
 [25] accept

--- cycle 23 ---

input: asdefg
position: 1

--- cycle 24 ---

input: asdefg
position: 2
 [0] beginCapture 0
>[1] save #20
 [2] save #18
 [3] save #10
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)

--- cycle 25 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 2
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #20
>[2] save #18
 [3] save #10
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 26 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 2
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #20
 [2] save #18
>[3] save #10
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16

--- cycle 27 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #10, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 2
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #20
 [2] save #18
 [3] save #10
>[4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14

--- cycle 28 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #10, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 1
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #20
 [2] save #18
 [3] save #10
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
>[5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)

--- cycle 29 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #10, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 0
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #20
 [2] save #18
 [3] save #10
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
>[6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 30 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
>[10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough

--- cycle 31 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #14, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 2
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
>[11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail

--- cycle 32 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #14, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 1
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
>[12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail
 [18] clear

--- cycle 33 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 2
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
>[14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail
 [18] clear
 [19] fail
 [20] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 34 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 1
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
>[15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail
 [18] clear
 [19] fail
 [20] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false
 [21] matchScalar 'e' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 35 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 2
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail
>[18] clear
 [19] fail
 [20] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false
 [21] matchScalar 'e' boundaryCheck: false
 [22] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [23] matchScalar 'g' boundaryCheck: true
 [24] endCapture 0

--- cycle 36 ---

input: asdefg
position: 2
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail
 [18] clear
>[19] fail
 [20] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false
 [21] matchScalar 'e' boundaryCheck: false
 [22] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [23] matchScalar 'g' boundaryCheck: true
 [24] endCapture 0
 [25] accept

--- cycle 37 ---

input: asdefg
position: 2

--- cycle 38 ---

input: asdefg
position: 3
 [0] beginCapture 0
>[1] save #20
 [2] save #18
 [3] save #10
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)

--- cycle 39 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 3
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #20
>[2] save #18
 [3] save #10
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 40 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 3
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #20
 [2] save #18
>[3] save #10
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16

--- cycle 41 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #10, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 3
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #20
 [2] save #18
 [3] save #10
>[4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14

--- cycle 42 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #10, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 2
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #20
 [2] save #18
 [3] save #10
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
>[5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)

--- cycle 43 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #10, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 1
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #20
 [2] save #18
 [3] save #10
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
>[6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 44 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #10, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 0
 [1] save #20
 [2] save #18
 [3] save #10
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
>[7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16

--- cycle 45 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 3
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
>[10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough

--- cycle 46 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #14, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 3
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
>[11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail

--- cycle 47 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #14, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 2
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
>[12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail
 [18] clear

--- cycle 48 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 3
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
>[14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail
 [18] clear
 [19] fail
 [20] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 49 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 2
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
>[15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail
 [18] clear
 [19] fail
 [20] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false
 [21] matchScalar 'e' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 50 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 3
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail
>[18] clear
 [19] fail
 [20] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false
 [21] matchScalar 'e' boundaryCheck: false
 [22] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [23] matchScalar 'g' boundaryCheck: true
 [24] endCapture 0

--- cycle 51 ---

input: asdefg
position: 3
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail
 [18] clear
>[19] fail
 [20] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false
 [21] matchScalar 'e' boundaryCheck: false
 [22] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [23] matchScalar 'g' boundaryCheck: true
 [24] endCapture 0
 [25] accept

--- cycle 52 ---

input: asdefg
position: 3

--- cycle 53 ---

input: asdefg
position: 4
 [0] beginCapture 0
>[1] save #20
 [2] save #18
 [3] save #10
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)

--- cycle 54 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 4
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #20
>[2] save #18
 [3] save #10
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 55 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 4
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #20
 [2] save #18
>[3] save #10
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16

--- cycle 56 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #10, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 4
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #20
 [2] save #18
 [3] save #10
>[4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14

--- cycle 57 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #10, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 3
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #20
 [2] save #18
 [3] save #10
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
>[5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)

--- cycle 58 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #10, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 2
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #20
 [2] save #18
 [3] save #10
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
>[6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 59 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 4
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
>[10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough

--- cycle 60 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #14, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 4
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
>[11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail

--- cycle 61 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #14, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 3
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
>[12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail
 [18] clear

--- cycle 62 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 4
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
>[14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail
 [18] clear
 [19] fail
 [20] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 63 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 3
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
>[15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail
 [18] clear
 [19] fail
 [20] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false
 [21] matchScalar 'e' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 64 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 4
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail
>[18] clear
 [19] fail
 [20] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false
 [21] matchScalar 'e' boundaryCheck: false
 [22] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [23] matchScalar 'g' boundaryCheck: true
 [24] endCapture 0

--- cycle 65 ---

input: asdefg
position: 4
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail
 [18] clear
>[19] fail
 [20] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false
 [21] matchScalar 'e' boundaryCheck: false
 [22] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [23] matchScalar 'g' boundaryCheck: true
 [24] endCapture 0
 [25] accept

--- cycle 66 ---

input: asdefg
position: 4

--- cycle 67 ---

input: asdefg
position: 5
 [0] beginCapture 0
>[1] save #20
 [2] save #18
 [3] save #10
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)

--- cycle 68 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 5, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 5
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #20
>[2] save #18
 [3] save #10
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 69 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 5, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 5, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 5
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #20
 [2] save #18
>[3] save #10
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16

--- cycle 70 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 5, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 5, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #10, pos: 5, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 5
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #20
 [2] save #18
 [3] save #10
>[4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14

--- cycle 71 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 5, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 5, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #10, pos: 5, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 4
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #20
 [2] save #18
 [3] save #10
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
>[5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)

--- cycle 72 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 5, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 5, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #10, pos: 5, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 3
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #20
 [2] save #18
 [3] save #10
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
>[6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 73 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 5, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 5, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 5
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
>[10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough

--- cycle 74 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 5, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 5, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #14, pos: 5, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 5
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
>[11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail

--- cycle 75 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 5, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 5, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #14, pos: 5, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 4
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
>[12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail
 [18] clear

--- cycle 76 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 5, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 5, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 5
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
>[14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail
 [18] clear
 [19] fail
 [20] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 77 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 5, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 5, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 4
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
>[15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail
 [18] clear
 [19] fail
 [20] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false
 [21] matchScalar 'e' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 78 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 5, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 5
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail
>[18] clear
 [19] fail
 [20] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false
 [21] matchScalar 'e' boundaryCheck: false
 [22] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [23] matchScalar 'g' boundaryCheck: true
 [24] endCapture 0

--- cycle 79 ---

input: asdefg
position: 5
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail
 [18] clear
>[19] fail
 [20] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false
 [21] matchScalar 'e' boundaryCheck: false
 [22] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [23] matchScalar 'g' boundaryCheck: true
 [24] endCapture 0
 [25] accept

--- cycle 80 ---

input: asdefg
position: 5

--- cycle 81 ---

input: asdefg
position: 6
 [0] beginCapture 0
>[1] save #20
 [2] save #18
 [3] save #10
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)

--- cycle 82 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 6, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 6
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #20
>[2] save #18
 [3] save #10
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 83 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 6, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 6, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 6
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #20
 [2] save #18
>[3] save #10
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16

--- cycle 84 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 6, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 6, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #10, pos: 6, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 6
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #20
 [2] save #18
 [3] save #10
>[4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14

--- cycle 85 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 6, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 6, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #10, pos: 6, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 5
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #20
 [2] save #18
 [3] save #10
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
>[5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)

--- cycle 86 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 6, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 6, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #10, pos: 6, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 4
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #20
 [2] save #18
 [3] save #10
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
>[6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 87 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 6, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 6, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 6
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
>[10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough

--- cycle 88 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 6, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 6, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #14, pos: 6, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 6
 [5] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
>[11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail

--- cycle 89 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 6, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 6, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #14, pos: 6, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 5
 [6] reverseMatchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
>[12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail
 [18] clear

--- cycle 90 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 6, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 6, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 6
 [8] reverseMatchScalar 'a' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
>[14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail
 [18] clear
 [19] fail
 [20] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 91 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 6, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #18, pos: 6, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 5
 [9] branch #16
 [10] save #14
 [11] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
>[15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail
 [18] clear
 [19] fail
 [20] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false
 [21] matchScalar 'e' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 92 ---
save points:
  pc: #20, pos: 6, stackEnd: #0

input: asdefg
position: 6
 [12] reverseMatchScalar 'b' boundaryCheck: true
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail
>[18] clear
 [19] fail
 [20] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false
 [21] matchScalar 'e' boundaryCheck: false
 [22] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [23] matchScalar 'g' boundaryCheck: true
 [24] endCapture 0

--- cycle 93 ---

input: asdefg
position: 6
 [13] branch #16
 [14] reverse (isScalarDistance: false, #1)
 [15] reverseMatchScalar 'c' boundaryCheck: true
 [16] clearThrough
 [17] fail
 [18] clear
>[19] fail
 [20] matchScalar 'd' boundaryCheck: false
 [21] matchScalar 'e' boundaryCheck: false
 [22] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [23] matchScalar 'g' boundaryCheck: true
 [24] endCapture 0
 [25] accept

--- cycle 94 ---

input: asdefg
position: 6
Total cycle count: 94
Backtracks: 21
Resets: 6
> save: 28
> reverse: 28
> reverseMatchScalar: 17
> fail: 14
> clear: 7
> beginCapture: 1

Test case #3

Inputs: "123-_+/-789suffix"
Regex: /(?<=\d{1,3}-.{1,3}-\d{1,3})suffix/

Problem: This regex isn’t matching the input

Solution: It looks like this expression uses builtins which I haven’t addressed at all yet. Sounds like a problem for future Jacob.

Test case #3 trace output
--- cycle 0 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 0
>[0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2

--- cycle 1 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 0
 [0] beginCapture 0
>[1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)

--- cycle 2 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 0
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
>[2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 3 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 0
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
>[3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2

--- cycle 4 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #4, pos: 1...2, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 3
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
>[4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough

--- cycle 5 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #4, pos: 1...2, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 2
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
>[5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail

--- cycle 6 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #4, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 2
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
>[4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough

--- cycle 7 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #4, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 1
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
>[5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail

--- cycle 8 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #4, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 1
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
>[4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough

--- cycle 9 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #4, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 0
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
>[5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail

--- cycle 10 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 1
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
>[4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough

--- cycle 11 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 0
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
>[5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail

--- cycle 12 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 0, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 0
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
>[12] clear
 [13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'u' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [18] matchScalar 'i' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 13 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 0
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear
>[13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'u' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [18] matchScalar 'i' boundaryCheck: false
 [19] matchScalar 'x' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 14 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 0

--- cycle 15 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 1
 [0] beginCapture 0
>[1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)

--- cycle 16 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 1
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
>[2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 17 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 1
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
>[3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2

--- cycle 18 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #4, pos: 2...2, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 3
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
>[4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough

--- cycle 19 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #4, pos: 2...2, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 2
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
>[5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail

--- cycle 20 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #4, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 2
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
>[4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough

--- cycle 21 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #4, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 1
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
>[5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail

--- cycle 22 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 2
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
>[4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough

--- cycle 23 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 1
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
>[5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail

--- cycle 24 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 1, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 1
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
>[12] clear
 [13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'u' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [18] matchScalar 'i' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 25 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 1
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear
>[13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'u' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [18] matchScalar 'i' boundaryCheck: false
 [19] matchScalar 'x' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 26 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 1

--- cycle 27 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 2
 [0] beginCapture 0
>[1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)

--- cycle 28 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 2
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
>[2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 29 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 2
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
>[3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2

--- cycle 30 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 3
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
>[4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough

--- cycle 31 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 2
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
>[5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail

--- cycle 32 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 2, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 2
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
>[12] clear
 [13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'u' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [18] matchScalar 'i' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 33 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear
>[13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'u' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [18] matchScalar 'i' boundaryCheck: false
 [19] matchScalar 'x' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 34 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 2

--- cycle 35 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 3
 [0] beginCapture 0
>[1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)

--- cycle 36 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 3
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
>[2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 37 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 3
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
>[3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2

--- cycle 38 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 3, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 3
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
>[12] clear
 [13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'u' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [18] matchScalar 'i' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 39 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 3
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear
>[13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'u' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [18] matchScalar 'i' boundaryCheck: false
 [19] matchScalar 'x' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 40 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 3

--- cycle 41 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 4
 [0] beginCapture 0
>[1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)

--- cycle 42 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 4
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
>[2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 43 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 4
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
>[3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2

--- cycle 44 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 4, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 4
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
>[12] clear
 [13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'u' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [18] matchScalar 'i' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 45 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 4
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear
>[13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'u' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [18] matchScalar 'i' boundaryCheck: false
 [19] matchScalar 'x' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 46 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 4

--- cycle 47 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 5
 [0] beginCapture 0
>[1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)

--- cycle 48 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 5, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 5
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
>[2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 49 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 5, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 5, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 5
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
>[3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2

--- cycle 50 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 5, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 5
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
>[12] clear
 [13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'u' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [18] matchScalar 'i' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 51 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 5
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear
>[13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'u' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [18] matchScalar 'i' boundaryCheck: false
 [19] matchScalar 'x' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 52 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 5

--- cycle 53 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 6
 [0] beginCapture 0
>[1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)

--- cycle 54 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 6, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 6
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
>[2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 55 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 6, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 6, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 6
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
>[3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2

--- cycle 56 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 6, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 6
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
>[12] clear
 [13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'u' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [18] matchScalar 'i' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 57 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 6
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear
>[13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'u' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [18] matchScalar 'i' boundaryCheck: false
 [19] matchScalar 'x' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 58 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 6

--- cycle 59 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 7
 [0] beginCapture 0
>[1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)

--- cycle 60 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 7, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 7
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
>[2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 61 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 7, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 7, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 7
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
>[3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2

--- cycle 62 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 7, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 7
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
>[12] clear
 [13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'u' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [18] matchScalar 'i' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 63 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 7
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear
>[13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'u' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [18] matchScalar 'i' boundaryCheck: false
 [19] matchScalar 'x' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 64 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 7

--- cycle 65 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 8
 [0] beginCapture 0
>[1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)

--- cycle 66 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 8, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 8
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
>[2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 67 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 8, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 8, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 8
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
>[3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2

--- cycle 68 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 8, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 8, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #4, pos: 9...10, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 11
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
>[4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough

--- cycle 69 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 8, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 8, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #4, pos: 9...10, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 10
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
>[5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail

--- cycle 70 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 8, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 8, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #4, pos: 10, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 10
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
>[4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough

--- cycle 71 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 8, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 8, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #4, pos: 10, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 9
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
>[5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail

--- cycle 72 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 8, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 8, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #4, pos: 9, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 9
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
>[4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough

--- cycle 73 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 8, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 8, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #4, pos: 9, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 8
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
>[5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail

--- cycle 74 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 8, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 8, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 9
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
>[4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough

--- cycle 75 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 8, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 8, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 8
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
>[5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail

--- cycle 76 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 8, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 8
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
>[12] clear
 [13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'u' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [18] matchScalar 'i' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 77 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 8
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear
>[13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'u' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [18] matchScalar 'i' boundaryCheck: false
 [19] matchScalar 'x' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 78 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 8

--- cycle 79 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 9
 [0] beginCapture 0
>[1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)

--- cycle 80 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 9, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 9
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
>[2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 81 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 9, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 9, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 9
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
>[3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2

--- cycle 82 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 9, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 9, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #4, pos: 10...10, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 11
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
>[4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough

--- cycle 83 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 9, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 9, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #4, pos: 10...10, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 10
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
>[5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail

--- cycle 84 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 9, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 9, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #4, pos: 10, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 10
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
>[4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough

--- cycle 85 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 9, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 9, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #4, pos: 10, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 9
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
>[5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail

--- cycle 86 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 9, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 9, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 10
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
>[4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough

--- cycle 87 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 9, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 9, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 9
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
>[5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail

--- cycle 88 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 9, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 9
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
>[12] clear
 [13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'u' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [18] matchScalar 'i' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 89 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 9
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear
>[13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'u' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [18] matchScalar 'i' boundaryCheck: false
 [19] matchScalar 'x' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 90 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 9

--- cycle 91 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 10
 [0] beginCapture 0
>[1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)

--- cycle 92 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 10, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 10
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
>[2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 93 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 10, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 10, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 10
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
>[3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2

--- cycle 94 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 10, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 10, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 11
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
>[4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough

--- cycle 95 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 10, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 10, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 10
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
>[5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail

--- cycle 96 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 10, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 10
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
>[12] clear
 [13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'u' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [18] matchScalar 'i' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 97 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 10
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear
>[13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'u' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [18] matchScalar 'i' boundaryCheck: false
 [19] matchScalar 'x' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 98 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 10

--- cycle 99 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 11
 [0] beginCapture 0
>[1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)

--- cycle 100 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 11, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 11
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
>[2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 101 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 11, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 11, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 11
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
>[3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2

--- cycle 102 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 11, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 11
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
>[12] clear
 [13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'u' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [18] matchScalar 'i' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 103 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 11
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear
>[13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'u' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [18] matchScalar 'i' boundaryCheck: false
 [19] matchScalar 'x' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 104 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 11

--- cycle 105 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 12
 [0] beginCapture 0
>[1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)

--- cycle 106 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 12, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 12
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
>[2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 107 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 12, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 12, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 12
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
>[3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2

--- cycle 108 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 12, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 12
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
>[12] clear
 [13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'u' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [18] matchScalar 'i' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 109 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 12
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear
>[13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'u' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [18] matchScalar 'i' boundaryCheck: false
 [19] matchScalar 'x' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 110 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 12

--- cycle 111 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 13
 [0] beginCapture 0
>[1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)

--- cycle 112 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 13, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 13
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
>[2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 113 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 13, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 13, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 13
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
>[3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2

--- cycle 114 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 13, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 13
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
>[12] clear
 [13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'u' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [18] matchScalar 'i' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 115 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 13
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear
>[13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'u' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [18] matchScalar 'i' boundaryCheck: false
 [19] matchScalar 'x' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 116 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 13

--- cycle 117 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 14
 [0] beginCapture 0
>[1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)

--- cycle 118 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 14, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 14
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
>[2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 119 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 14, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 14, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 14
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
>[3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2

--- cycle 120 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 14, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 14
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
>[12] clear
 [13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'u' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [18] matchScalar 'i' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 121 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 14
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear
>[13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'u' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [18] matchScalar 'i' boundaryCheck: false
 [19] matchScalar 'x' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 122 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 14

--- cycle 123 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 15
 [0] beginCapture 0
>[1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)

--- cycle 124 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 15, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 15
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
>[2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 125 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 15, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 15, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 15
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
>[3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2

--- cycle 126 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 15, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 15
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
>[12] clear
 [13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'u' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [18] matchScalar 'i' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 127 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 15
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear
>[13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'u' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [18] matchScalar 'i' boundaryCheck: false
 [19] matchScalar 'x' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 128 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 15

--- cycle 129 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 16
 [0] beginCapture 0
>[1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)

--- cycle 130 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 16, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 16
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
>[2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 131 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 16, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 16, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 16
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
>[3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2

--- cycle 132 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 16, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 16
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
>[12] clear
 [13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'u' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [18] matchScalar 'i' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 133 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 16
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear
>[13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'u' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [18] matchScalar 'i' boundaryCheck: false
 [19] matchScalar 'x' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 134 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 16

--- cycle 135 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 17
 [0] beginCapture 0
>[1] save #14
 [2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)

--- cycle 136 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 17, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 17
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
>[2] save #12
 [3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 137 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 17, stackEnd: #0
  pc: #12, pos: 17, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 17
 [0] beginCapture 0
 [1] save #14
 [2] save #12
>[3] quantify builtin 1 2
 [4] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [5] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2

--- cycle 138 ---
save points:
  pc: #14, pos: 17, stackEnd: #0

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 17
 [6] quantify any 1 2
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
>[12] clear
 [13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'u' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [18] matchScalar 'i' boundaryCheck: false

--- cycle 139 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 17
 [7] reverse (isScalarDistance: true, #1)
 [8] reverseMatchScalar '-' boundaryCheck: true
 [9] quantify builtin 1 2
 [10] clearThrough
 [11] fail
 [12] clear
>[13] fail
 [14] matchScalar 's' boundaryCheck: false
 [15] matchScalar 'u' boundaryCheck: false
 [16] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [17] matchScalar 'f' boundaryCheck: false
 [18] matchScalar 'i' boundaryCheck: false
 [19] matchScalar 'x' boundaryCheck: true

--- cycle 140 ---

input: 123-_+/-789suffix
position: 17
Total cycle count: 140
Backtracks: 28
Resets: 17
> fail: 36
> save: 36
> clear: 18
> quantify: 18
> reverseMatchScalar: 16
> reverse: 16
> beginCapture: 1